I had planned a longer route today, taking in Grantown, Dava and Nairn but owing to yesterdays efforts into the headwind and the fact the it was raining again, we thought that there was need to be heroic and try to make the passage to Dingwall as short as was possible. That said the other goal was to avoid the A9 as much as possible, which we achieved more or less successfully for the whole ride. The B9153 took us pleasantly, if damply, to Carrbridge, where we turned West, but only to Bogroy which was too short to really appreciate the tailwind. I think it was here that they were holding, in a few days time, their annual 'Chainsaw Sculpture Championship'. One assumes, though the sign doesn't clarify, that the chainsaw in this championship is the tool and not the subject. I didn't dwell on it.
We headed Northwards past Slochd Summit to Tomatin where we had our 90 minute fix beneath the ample shelter of a rather splendid viaduct. Approved. Pressing on (I realise I say that alot but I cant think of any other phrases that describe it as well) we continued to ride along very nice paths and roads that, thanks to the A9, had virtually no traffic. Riding two abreast again we chatted about the various methods and/or merits that line management brings, until Chris spotted that talking about work nowadays brings me out in a panicky sweat. So we reverted to the more usual subject of bikes - and in particular bike clothing. It was agreed that of all my purchases before the trip, my new Endura eVent waterproofs were the outright winners.
After passing Loch Moy we got a bit lost (or not as it turned out - as we chose the right roads, just without intention). The rain meant we didn't hang around to look at Culloden Battlefield and just headed into Inverness, across the Moray Firth towards Dingwall. The bridge crossing
was unsatisfactory in that the sides were about 12 inches too low for comfort and given the lovely wind, that was about 12 terrifying inches. We took respite the side in a cafe, for coffee. We didn't speak much.
We came back off the A9 at the first opportunity and spent the next few miles in the lanes of the Black Isle. I hadn't done any research before the trip as to the history of places, so I have no idea why it's called the Black Isle as it's seemingly neither. In the middle of nowhere we stumbled (honest) across Black Isle brewery. As it was raining all our waterproofs were on which meant our panniers were empty. 6 very large bottles of their finest beers soon put pay to that, and, come to that, our ability to climb hills (a lot of beer, in really weighty glass, really is a bit of a millstone).
The last time I came to Dingwall was in the early nineties to compete in the Mountain Bike World Cup, so it was a nostalgic last few miles. Even if I didn't recognise anywhere (which, on reflection, might be down to the race actually being in Strathpeffer - just up the road).
The campsite was next to Ross County F.C - "More than just a football club" apparently. We left without finding out what else it was.
Day 19 - Wednesday 20th August: Dingwall to Wick. 97.09 miles and 1312 metres climbed.
Well, today represented the last full day, the last big effort before our short little bimble on Thursday into John O'Groats, so it was with mixed feelings that I set off. I was definitely looking foward to completing the adventure, but sad at the same time that it would be over. I was equally sorry that we would not be spending more time with Chris and Jane. Finally, if I'm honest, I was just a tiny bit scared of what things would be like afterwards, as, since giving up work in June, this adventure had given me some focus and purpose. Without that I was worried that I might feel a lack of drive or direction. Perhaps though, that's what having this time off is all about, seeing what makes me tick.
We decided on a early start and to get breakfast on the fly, which we did courtesy of a delightful little bakery in Alness. If it wasn't Alness it was Evanton but I'm pretty certain it was the former. I plumped for Scotch Pancakes whilst Chris, somewhat surprisingly, opted again for a sausage roll. I didn't get the sense afterwards that he'd be going for a third.
Without an alternative to the A9 we got some fast, if unspectacular, miles under the belt. Things didn't get better scenery wise until we past (?!@) the Glenmorangie distillery and over the pleasing bridge across the Dornoch Firth. It was also the first time we had seen John O'Groats signposted which brought some excitement.
The sun was out again today and the wind, whilst North-Easterly (it would be) wasn't too strong - a blessing along this bit of coastline.
We stopped at Evelix for elevenses, then rode a lovely stretch of road around Loch Fleet, The Mound (which for some reason we found quite funny), and along to Golspie. An impressive statue sits atop Ben Bhraggie, not sure what/who of, but you can see it from the Mound (cue sniggers). We stopped at Dunrobin Castle where, quite by coincidence, we met up with Maddie and Jane. It was here apparently that we arranged to meet in Helmsdale, a piece of information that seemed to bypass me, so alas that never happened. Instead, after we rode through Brora and just short of Portgower, Chris and I found a nice patch of grass at the top of a hill - ideal picnic material.
The early riser in me saw fit to make sandwiches today, which, owing to some fairly stiff climbs earlier, barely touched the sides. On top of this the sun was on our faces, and judging by Chris' ever reclining posture, it appeared he was settling down for the day. I think he may have been a trifle miffed at my urgency to press on but if he was, he didn't mention it. It was also here that we made the decision to extend our ride to Wick, the previous night having decided to cut it short to Dunbeath. It meant another 22 miles but given the weather we thought making hay was the best option. Helmsdale was lovely, as the girls will testify as they had lunch there (alone). After Helmsdale there was an exceptionally long tough climb with two false summits (Tarbets), before we reached Berriedale. It was here that I committed to my last attempt to break 50mph. Well I say committed, I couldn't even be bothered to take my rather unaerodynamic waterproof jacket off - so the fact that I failed and clocked a frustratingly close 49.5mph was pretty much all I deserved. As the momentum carried me up the other side I decided to slow down and wait for Chris (this is not to imply I'm fitter or faster than him, but since his life flashed before him on the Glencoe descent he'd been taking the downhills a bit steadier than me). I wanted to share my frustrations, but it was a tough climb, so I didn't take offence that he chose the breathing option over the chatting one.
Along this stretch of coastline you'll notice, especially if on a bike, that all the towns are in little valleys, so you always have a nice drop down into them, then usually a far less pleasant climb out the other side. Dunbeath was no different and we stopped at the top (by Inver campsite) to ensure we had enough in our legs to make it to Wick. We hadn't really but were still in the 'better today than tomorrow' zone. Just outside Latheron we spotted a couple of large birds sitting on top of a drystone wall either side of a field. Two eagles. As we clumsily peered over the wall to get a better view, one took flight, and with only a couple of beats of its massive wings, hundreds of rabbits cr@p themselves.
We took a slight detour into Lybster as we were without liquids. Strange town - eerie. It has two long terraces, separated by an unusually wide road, giving it a bit of a ghosttown feel about it. But the butcher-come-grocer seemed nice - and he wished us luck.
We spotted Wick on the horizon long before we got there - it seemed to take an age to get there. But we did - and headed straight for the campsite - safe in the knowledge that our extended effort would pay dividends tomorrow. Just 17 miles to John 'Groats. The beer tasted very fine indeed.
FINAL DAY (Day 20) - Thursday 21st August: Wick to John O'Groats (and back) - 17.89 miles / 218 metres climbed (each way).
A very, very special ride. And a pleasure to share with Chris. It felt a bit like wearing the yellow jersey into Paris. I dont remember much about the ride apart from Chris trying not to use his granny ring. I thought a lot about my efforts over the trip, and a lot a bit about my brother. The scenery was unremarkable, (if you dont include the odd castle that appeared now and again) until you reached the summit of the last hill. Here you see, first the Orkneys, and then, below you, the sprawling houses that make up John O'Groats.
Everything you have heard about the place (which may well be nothing) is true. Nothing much there. What there is is all a bit tacky (though not as bad as Lands End) But I doubt any of that matters to anyone completing this adventure. It's a finish line. I spoke to a family of four whose daughter had downs syndrome - she had done some of the ride on the back of her mums tandem. I heard about a boy who had done it on his skateboard, whilst others have walked it. But I imagine everyone feels more or less the same. A bit sad, quite a bit relieved, very exhausted, quite probably wet, but mainly proud.
Maddie was a rock throughout - deserving of considerably more praise than me (I actually enjoy cycling - imagine pitching and taking down tents every day in all that Britain can throw at you). The charity, Rays of Sunshine, had been excellent, even if they did tend to call you at inconvenient moments (like when you're trying to put on your waterproof bottoms). It was great to share Scotland with Chris and Jane, who both proved able, fun and understanding companions.
Finally I'll thank Roy - for his welcome advice and training tips.
I'll miss the adventure but some welcome normality awaits.
Now the facts:
I rode 1258 miles (plus the 17 back to Wick)
I climbed 24,466 metres (80,248ft)
I made it (cycling) up every hill.
Longest Day 97.09 miles
Top speed 49.5mph
It rained most days (only one was completely dry)
It rained heavily at least half the days, for most of the day.
Wettest day - Dartmoor
Hardest day - Dartmoor (though the headwind to Aviemore runs it close)
Hardest hill - Hebden Bridge, then Draycott, then Tan Hill, then Buttertubs. Oh and most of Dartmoor and Cornwall.
Best Ride - easily Glencoe, then either side of Hawes, then Snakes Pass.
Best campsite - the ones before a B&B night. Otherwise Castletown or maybe Bowbank.
Thanks for reading.
John & Maddie.